Importing the Subtitles

The last set of assets to import are the subtitles displayed while the Main Movie plays. These subtitles have been prepared in the Scenarist Subtitle Script format—a collection of subpicture images with a script file that specifies where on the timeline each subtitle is placed.

To import subtitles:
  1. If the ReelDVD Explorer window is not visible, select View > Explorer Window.
  2. In the Explorer window, navigate to the “ReelDVD Tutorial Assets\Subtitles” directory on the local hard drive.
  3. To view all files, click the All Files filter button in the top right of the Explorer window.

  4. Drag the subtitle script file (04_Subtitle_Script.sst) from the Explorer window to the “04_Main_Movie.mpv” track in the Storyboard area. The target track is selected and displayed in the Track window with the new subtitle stream.
  5. Choose File > Save. The Save As dialog opens.
  6. Enter a project name and specify the project directory, then click Save.

Note: Imported subtitle images are not encoded until you attempt to play the project in Simulation mode.

For more information about subtitles and their relation to subpictures, see Chapter 5, “Planning and Preparation” in the ReelDVD User Guide.

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